Tool suite
Optiboost is continuously developing tools, or adapting tools from the industry to provide the most efficient services. These tools are usually shared, transferred or licensed to customers as part of the delivered services.
The Optiboost toolbox includes:
- Survey & tracking tools
- Training & workshop tools
- Reference templates
Examples of reference templates:
- Customer engagement presentation
- Invertor pitch
- Fund-raising executive summary template
- NDA templates
- Sales representative contracts
- Distributor and Value-Added-Reseller contracts
- Capital-raising contracts
- Software license agreements
- Support and maintenance agreements
- RMA policy
- Advisory Board agreement
- T&Cs
- Privacy & Cookies Policy
Examples of training & workshop tools:
- Triggering customer engagement for deeptech technologies
- Strategic sales boosting platform & techniques
- Market scan & target identification speed-up process
- Door-opening protocol for identified targets
- Target assessment, benchmark & validation process
- Architectures & strategies for best pricing power
- Motivate and align to sharpen the corporate decision process
- Preparation for external growth
- P&L and cash-flow analysis & optimization
- High-impact investor pitch
- Scenario planning framework (investment or partnership)
- Due Diligence & negotiation preparation kit
- Funding & resource constraints flexing techniques
- Innovation benchmark & competitive intelligence
- Triggering participative innovation
Examples of survey, check-lists & tracking tools:
- 360° Diagnostic check-list & tracking tool
- Strategy / roadmap shaping & evaluation protocol
- Sales kit checklist
- Boosting sales pipeline and tracking maturity stages
- Requirements for efficient strategic customer engagement
- Investment & eco-system strategy framing survey
- Survey for R&D to enable efficient product launch and Go-to-Market
- Value assessment kit for technologies and expertise (enterprise stress-test)
- Asset value assessment & comparison tools (for investors)
- Product industrialization check-list
- Make vs buy decision grid & supply chain optimization
- MoU, contracts & licenses efficiency tool kit
- Profiling tools for Investment/partnership/spin-off
- Due-Diligence check-list
- Executive match-making framework
- Integration check-list (H.R., operation, business)
- Check-list of Program/Project Management documents
- Typical industry tools & methods: MRD, PRD, SWOT analysis, BCG matrix, Deming wheel,
Johari window,….